Care for Creation Resources:
Care for Creation, a Christian Perspective
Climate Policy, Ideology and the Prophetic Imagination of Laudato Si’ Part 1
Climate Policy, Ideology and the Prophetic Imagination of Laudato Si’ Part 2
Climate Policy, Ideology and the Prophetic Imagination of Laudato Si’ Part 3
Fratelli Tutti, Care for the Natural World and Integral Ecology
From our Blog…
Sacred Earth: Interfaith Gathering at Ardfoyle
This past Saturday, in celebration of Earth Day earlier in the week, we gathered in the grounds at Ardfoyle, facing the brisk chill of an April morning. We came together to celebrate with a profound sense of shared purpose for the event, "Sacred Earth: Interfaith...
Celebrating the Opening of Plantopia Garden at Ardfoyle
Saturday 21 October 2023 marked a joyous celebration in Ardfoyle with the opening of the Plantopia Garden. The newly erected biodome, a remarkable self-contained environment, has swiftly become the centrepiece of the Ardfoyle grounds, owing to the hard work of SHEP...
2023 Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice – REGISTERATIONS OPEN
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release 2023 Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice Climate and Biodiversity: Thinking Ecologically "Cherishing Life on Earth" Date: Thursday, 26 October 2023, via Zoom, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+1) The highly...
Witnessing Climate Impact in Africa
The Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) and the Society of African Missions (SMA) are proud to announce the launch of their podcast series, "Missionary Voices: Witnessing Climate Impact in Africa," to mark the Season of Creation. This collaboration showcases the...