Our Spirituality is a continuous movement between prayer and action

Our Lady of Apostles is for us the ideal model of the strong, humble woman, ready to serve and full of hope.

We draw strength and inspiration from the experiences of Mary in the ‘Upper Room’, together with the women and the Apostles as they were filled with the love, joy and energy of the Pentecost experience. This image forms the basis of our ‘Cenacle Spirituality’.

Our Spirituality is rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, a spirituality drawn from the experiences of St Ignatius of Loyola, from his inspired knowledge of God, as Trinity and his passionate love for Jesus Christ. It is a spirituality that “finds God in all things and finds all things in God”.

Women of Prayer

Live in most intimate union with God. Do not forget His presense in your lives,
but bring Him with you wherever you go, into the very heart of your works.

~ Fr A Planque

Women of Simplicity

I want nothing but simplicity in the widest apostolic sense.

~ Fr A Planque

Women of Zeal

God will know to put the necessary apostolic Zeal into your heart. Courage therefore, patience always. Prayer can often do more than all your efforts.

~Fr A Planque

Women of Mission

The Missions are our sole aim. Let us have different works, proper to the diversity of needs.

~Fr A Planque

Women of Courage

Courageous and competent women, like the Apostles, ready to leave all for the sake of the Gospel.

~ Fr A Planque

Women of Faith

Far from being a personal privilege, faith, a gift of God, engenders in the one receiving it, the duty of transmitting it.

~Fr A Planque

Women of Fidelity

In contrast to the gift of God invested in us, our human weakness is great, but greater still is the faithfulness of Him who is our strength.

~ Fr A Planque

Our Spirituality requires us to be

“Contemplatives in Action”…

Striving always for “the greater glory of God”, we seek God’s will through discernment, rooted in prayer and in an ever-increasing freedom from self, from created things, from all that is not God.

Being contemplatives in action, we are always conscious of God’s presence in us and with us, even when we are engaged in demanding and noisy apostolates.

Our lives are movement from “Cenacle” to “Market Place” (from the place of prayer to the place of action), always retaining in our activity, the spirit of the Cenacle.

In the Cenacle, with the Twelve, Mary ponders the things of God but at the same time animates the missionary thrust marking the beginning of the Church.

This ‘Cenacle Spirituality’ enables us to carry God wherever we go, waiting on God, listening to God, compelled by the powerful impulse of the Spirit that drives us to witness to the Risen Christ, while remaining alert to the needs of the world in which we live, even when most profoundly in the silence of contemplation.

Are you in need of prayer? Our sisters are ‘Prayer Warriors’ and will pray for you through the intercession of Our Lady of Apostles.

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Are you in need of prayer? Our sisters are ‘Prayer Warriors’ and will pray for you through the intercession of Our Lady of Apostles.

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