Gender: Where are all the women in Interfaith Dialogue?
The Church and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa
The Church and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa
By Kathleen McGarvey, OLA, at the CAFOD/ Heythrop conference
October 28th and 29th 2009, London
The growing need to replace conflict with peace
Mission as Interfaith Dialogue: Reflections from Northern Nigeria
Paper presented at the Conference on Mission Today and Tomorrow,
All Hallows College, Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin, 5th – 6th June 2013
By Kathleen McGarvey, OLA
Gender, Peace and Religious Coexistence: Insights from Nigeria
By Kathleen McGarvey, OLA
Good Shepherd Major Seminary Kaduna
Interreligious Dialogue as a Priority Area of Pastoral Concern in Kaduna Archdiocese
Paper presented by Kathleen McGarvey, OLA
Kaduna Archdiocesan Synod, Catholic Social Centre, Wed. 23rd Sept. 2009
Muslim and Christian Women in dialogue: Case of Northern Nigeria
Book by Kathleen Mc Garvey OLA
Published Peter Lang, Oxford 2009
Wake up the World Our Response
Paper presented by Kathleen McGarvey, OLA
Vocations Ireland Spring Seminar, Emmaus Retreat Centre, 9th May 2015
Christians and Muslims as Witnesses of God’s Compassion and Peace in our World of Violence
Paper presented by Kathleen McGarvey, OLA
Workshop on promoting interfaith dialogue among the faithful in the Archdiocese of Abuja, Sat 31st August 2013