“I am a mission on this earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world.”

~ Pope Francis (Evangelii Gaudium)

Ireland has a very strong missionary tradition. Since the 1800s, Irish missionaries have been travelling to all parts of the globe, spreading the Gospel message of love and working to improve the quality of life of those most in need.

All Christians are called to be missionaries and greater collaboration is required for authentic and effective missionary work. We invite you to share in the OLA Charism and Mission so as to live more fully the missionary dimension of your baptism and help the OLA Sisters live their mission more effectively.

There are several ways you can share in our mission…

“The mission that God entrusts to each one of us leads us from fear and introspection to a renewed realisation that we find ourselves precisely when we give ourselves to others.” ~ Pope Francis



God continues to invite people to a life of service and community. The call to vocation is a call to seek the face of God. The world needs the creativity, idealism, faith, and spirituality of a new generation

Through our baptism, all Christians share a common call to holiness, but we are called by God to live out our holiness in different ways, given our individual talents, gifts, and limitations. All vocations are oriented toward holiness and a deepening of relationship with God.

If you feel God might be calling you to be a Missionary Sister and would like some guidance on exploring your vocation in life, we would be delighted to assist you on your journey.

Volunteer with OLA

Many people have spent time working overseas with the OLA in different parts of Africa in either a short or long term volunteer capacity. In the 1960s and 70s a great number of teachers and nurses spent time in West Africa in places like Ijebu-Ode or Abeokuta in Nigeria.

In more recent years, the OLA hospital in Nkwanta, Ghana has welcomed many medical students from Ireland doing their overseas elective as part of their medical training. Elsewhere, short term volunteers have sacrificed their annual holidays to work with the OLAs in Tanzania. Some have worked as teachers, some have worked as nurses (students or qualified) and some have brought specialist skills such as physiotherapy, radiography, medical laboratory skills.

Lay mission Movement

The OLA Spirituality appeals to many lay people, helping them integrate the spiritual into the hubbub of their daily lives. We welcome men and women who wish to learn more about our history and ministry and to explore and share our ‘Cenacle Spirituality’.

The Lay Missionary Movement (LMM) provides people already involved in our missions with a climate and the conditions for better fulfilling the “missionary mandate … which must be a commitment of all the People of God.” (Pope Benedict XVI)


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