Mary Connaughton, Mary Crowley (District leader), Martha Ahern

This past Saturday, 31 August, we celebrated the Diamond Jubilees of Sr Martha Ahern and Sr Mary Connaughton, honouring their sixty years of dedicated service as OLA Sisters.

It was a day of heartfelt gratitude and reflection, beginning with a celebratory Mass led by Fr Michael McCabe SMA. Sr Mary Crowley, our District Leader, spoke with warmth and reverence, acknowledging the incredible journeys that both Jubilarians have undertaken.

Sr Martha and Sr Mary have lived lives of profound faith and dedication. Sixty years ago, they made their first profession as OLA Sisters, and since then, they have served in various ministries across Ghana, Tanzania, England, and Ireland. Their contributions, ranging from education to cooking, parish work to fundraising, and promoting justice and peace, have made a lasting impact on the communities they have touched.

Sr Mary’s words resonated deeply with everyone present. She spoke of the challenges and blessings that Sr Martha and Sr Mary have encountered along their journey, reminding us all of the grace with which they have carried out their mission. Their unwavering commitment to God’s call, even in the face of inevitable struggles, reflects the depth of their strength and faith.

After the Mass, we came together for lunch with our Sisters, along with the friends and family of the Jubilarians, sharing in the joy of the occasion. It was a time to share stories, memories, and gratitude for the lives of these two remarkable women. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and a deep sense of appreciation for the love and service they have given over the years.

Sr Martha and Sr Mary have touched countless lives through their devotion, compassion, and grace. Their commitment to their mission continues to inspire us all. We pray for their health and happiness, and give thanks for the gift of their presence in our lives and our community.