Sr Eileen Cummins OLA
During the month of October we remember in our prayers all Missionaries and missions throughout the world. We also celebrate the Feast of the Holy Rosary on the 7th of October – the Mission Rosary which gathers the five continents together in prayer around Mary the Mother of Jesus.
Mary is the first Missionary who brought Jesus the Son of God into our midst, into the world and she quietly accompanied him from His birth to his death on the cross. And in the same way she quietly accompanies all missionaries throughout the world today.
The theme of this year’s world mission Sunday is taken from the Acts Ch 4, verse 20
“We cannot remain silent about what we have seen and heard…”
The first disciples were attracted to Jesus when they heard him speak and saw how he was reaching out respectfully to the people around him especially to the poor and lonely, the downcasts, healing them by his words of kindness and compassion.
Jesus is inviting all of us to become actively engaged in His Mission wherever we are, and we can do this by being compassionate – having the kind word for everyone we meet in our daily life, especially to the poor, and those in the wayside of life – that’s how Jesus fulfilled his mission.
Seems simple and easy to do, but it can be quite a challenge….. So maybe we could ask ourselves during the week, if our words and actions bring life, hope and joy into the lives of others, do they attract people to Jesus…or not….?.
Missionaries have not an easy task, Jesus experienced hostility and hardship during his missionary journey which eventually led to his death, and in many parts of the world today Missionaries are experiencing violence, places where Christian communities are being persecuted because of their faith in Jesus Christ. And closer to home, are we not experiencing difficulties in the practice of our faith? The Sacraments that are occasions of a special Encounter with Jesus are seemingly perceived as non-essentials, social events, irrelevant to our everyday living…
So let us remember all missionaries in our prayers especially during the month of October that we will not be discouraged by indifference and hostility in the course of our ministry, instead let us hear Jesus saying to us – “Peace, don’t be afraid, I am with you always.”
May our Lady of Apostles be with us as we go about doing good to others, healing them by our words of kindness , compassion and Hope, Amen.